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Simcenter 3D with simulation process and data management

Organizes complex simulation data with seamless end-to-end data re-usability and traceability

Simulation teams and their data are typically disconnected from design teams. Designers throw a new design over the proverbial wall to the simulation teams, who then need to wade through complex data systems to find the right design variant to simulate. Simulation data is then stored on the engineer's local drive and can often easily become out of synch with the latest design. This means all data traceability has been lost.

Providing end-to-end traceability and time savings

Using Simcenter 3D software with integrated simulation process and data management (SPDM) allows you to manage simulation models, analysis, results, documents, processes and any relevant metadata across product lifecycle. A seamless connection between Simcenter 3D Teamcenter Simulation lets you capture and manage idealized parts, finite element models, simulation files, input decks, results and reports. All Simcenter 3D data is stored in the database with relationship links, thus providing traceability from a product all the way to the associated simulation results. Download this solution guide to learn more about how you can better manage your simulation data with Simcenter 3D so your simulation stays in-synch with design. .
