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Simcenter 3D for materials engineering

Increasing confidence in developing advanced materials and enhancing their product performance

Using homogenized material properties is not enough when considering new materials like foams and composites or new manufacturing techniques like additive manufacturing and automatic fiber placement. Simcenter 3D helps you accelerate the product development lifecycle of materials by accurately accounting
for microstructural details, defects and manufacturing-induced variations, as well as predicting behavior in advanced materials.

Facilitating microstructural modeling and materials engineering

Advanced materials often behave in ways that are difficult to predict, resulting in longer time and higher cost to bring new products to market. Simcenter 3D offers solutions for materials engineering that can help predict behavior for these materials at a microstructural level. Download this solution guide to learn more details on how Simcenter 3D can help you better understand product performance when using these kinds of advanced materials.
