Effective product data management improves product development performance
Top performers have more effective product data management (PDM)
Read the ebook by independent research firm Tech-Clarity, “Effective Data Management Improves Product Development Performance.” Learn why top-performing product developers are more likely to have very effective data management capabilities. Top performers are more likely to be able to:
- Find the data they need
- Share it with others
- Manage their design projects
- Provide the correct data to manufacturing
The results confirm that data management continues to be an important enabler to design and develop profitable products.
Top performers use the cloud and advanced data management techniques
Research data shows that top performers, on average:
- Are more likely to use advanced features of their data management systems beyond simply storing and controlling CAD files
- Are 70% more likely to share data using the cloud for design and/or engineering
- Have 3 times as many people using their system, if they use PLM software
- Are 4.3 times as likely to have third parties such as customers and suppliers use their system, if they use PLM software
Leveraging the cloud for product data management
“Effective Data Management Improves Product Development Performance” also shows a strong correlation between product development success and the emerging use of the cloud for sharing product data.
Get started and grow from PDM to PLM with Teamcenter X on the cloud
Take a look at Teamcenter X cloud software-as-a-service to get started quickly and cost-effectively with PDM on the cloud and grow to PLM. Experience how it works for yourself by trying the Teamcenter X free trial!