The demand for smaller, higher-performing and more power-efficient integrated circuits (ICs) continues. Next-generation devices increasingly feature complex architectures that connect 3D IC (vertical) or 2.5D (side-by-side) dies so that they behave as a true System-in-Package (SiP). Tessent Multi-die software delivers comprehensive automation for the complex DFT tasks associated with 2.5D and 3D IC designs.
Tessent Multi-die helps customers speed and simplify critical design-for-test (DFT) tasks for next-generation ICs based on 2.5D and 3D architectures. Faster, simpler DFT enables IC design teams to rapidly generate compliant hardware. Tessent Multi-die enables customers to slash test implementation efforts while optimizing manufacturing test costs and accelerating time to market.
Download this eBook to learn more about Siemens Tessent Multi-die DFT