
Addressing complexity and minimizing risk in modern aerospace electrical platforms

Digital twins and digital thread speed up program lifecycle development and reduce risk into both design and manufacturing

Developing aerospace electrical platforms has become a challenge due to growing complexity and the increased use of electrical and electronic content. To achieve program profitability -- while satisfying demands for efficiency and more mission capabilities -- aerospace companies are quickly turning to a digitalized approach to achieve results. By using a comprehensive digital twin and digital thread, OEMs can speed up program lifecycle development and introduce less risk into both design and manufacturing.

Digital twin and digital thread to speed up Aerospace programs, reduce risk and meet compliance

For the Aerospace and Defense industry, delivering aircraft to customers on time and within budget is a task that’s increasingly more difficult with growing complexity. The demand for more electrical functionality only exacerbates the situation. To stay competitive, aerospace OEMs must retire risk earlier in the program lifecycle to avoid unforeseen problems during key milestones. Uncovering a problem at a key milestone leaves an aircraft manufacturer with just a few costly options. Issues found late in the development cycle are often extremely difficult to implement back into the process.

The rise of the electrical wiring interconnect system (EWIS)

An implication of the increased use of electrical solutions is the increased size, weight, and complexity of the electrical wiring interconnect system (EWIS). On a typical business jet, for example, it’s not uncommon to have over 120 electrical systems. This jet’s electrical system could easily be composed of 350 harnesses, comprising as many as 30,000 wire segments. This could easily add up to over 50 miles of wire – and over 100,000 parts. With the increased use of digital communications, EWIS content has moved from simple, point-to-point analog connections to more sophisticated digital network buses. This, in turn, can require expensive data cables driving EWIS cost and manufacturing complexity. EWIS complexity is further compounded by a myriad of rules to minimize electrical interference, signal separation for redundant systems, and of course, to ensure compliance and/or commercial certification.

The move towards a digital transformation is critical to the growth and innovation of the Aerospace industry

As aerospace companies seek to develop new products faster and better manage their costs, they need to manage risks. They also need to develop higher-performing products. With all the innovation going on, including the amount of electrification in new products, the transition to a more digitalized enterprise should be a top consideration for aerospace companies both large and small. The transition must also include the industry’s diverse and expansive supply chains. To help advance the digital transformation, the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio from Siemens Digital Industries Software offers one of the industry’s most comprehensive digital twin solutions and connected digital threads. A digital twin allows companies to design, validate and build in a virtualized environment. Digital threads enable multiple processes across domains to integrate data from the beginning of the product lifecycle to final sustainment.

In this ebook, you will get a glimpse at how Capital helps teams reduce program risk and meet compliance.


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