
Six keys to success with aerospace and defense digital manufacturing

Integrated manufacturing planning and validation for production excellence

An image of a simulation of a manufacturing shop floor with robotic machines assembling products with supervision from workers

The evolution of the aerospace and defense industry has forced A&D manufacturers to evolve themselves. The direction is clear: digitalization. But how? To what degree must companies update their systems and processes to ensure they can continue to succeed?

The answer is to become a digital enterprise powered by a comprehensive solution. Siloed, standalone systems were beneficial in their day, but today A&D companies require an interconnected digital ecosystem that can connect design engineers to the shop floor and back again.

Get this ebook to fully immerse yourself in the cost- and time-saving capabilities that a digital manufacturing solution can provide. Plus find out the six keys to transitioning to digital manufacturing correctly.

Digital continuity with the digital thread and digital twin

Digital continuity is the seamless and consistent flow of digital information throughout the entire product and production lifecycle. The digital thread and digital twin enable this end-to-end connected manufacturing.

The digital thread provides cross-functional collaboration like never before. It connects manufacturing engineering, manufacturing operations and the performance of the plant resources with enterprise, design and automation systems. This enhanced collaboration will limit mistakes caused by manual data-transferring.

With the digital twin, the accuracy, collaboration and traceability benefits continue. With the power of a virtual realm, you can simulate, predict and optimize products and manufacturing processes before investing in actual production.

These are just the foundational possibilities of becoming a digital enterprise with a comprehensive solution. Download this ebook to learn about the full breadth of opportunities a connected manufacturing solution can provide.


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