
Solid Edge Free Viewer

Free 3D CAD Viewer

Free 3D CAD Viewer

The free Solid Edge Viewer allows you to interactively view Solid Edge 3D models and drawings. Rotate, pan, and zoom 3D CAD models, and save images and email them as needed to provide an efficient collaborative process among your team, your customers, and your suppliers. The Solid Edge Viewer is easy to download and install, and allows you to open and view Solid Edge assembly, part, sheet metal and draft files, as well as 2D files including AutoCAD DXF and DWG files.


Solid Edge System Requirements

Solid Edge contains certain third-party software components. You can review third party software license notices here. Open-source software packages can be downloaded here.

Solid Edge CAD Viewer for Mobile Devices

The Solid Edge Viewer is also available for mobile devices:


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