
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Aerodynamics (incompressible and compressible)

Teach Aerodynamics (incompressible and compressible) in your classroom

Prebuilt Simcenter STAR-CCM+ simulations enable students to interactively learn about the concepts taught in class by using a handful of buttons. Simcenter STAR-CCM+ allows for changes in geometry, material properties, and flow rate in a few clicks so that students can see how these changes affect the physics in a system. The scenes also update live during the run allowing students to see things like vortex shedding happen in near real time.

This includes:

  • Incompressible flow:

    • Basic Shapes
    • Backward/Forward Facing Step and Concave/Convex Corner
    • 2D Cars
    • 3D race car
  • Compressible flow:

    • Basic Shapes
    • Convergent divergent nozzles
    • Backward/Forward Facing Step and Concave/Convex Corner

The sims are quick to run as most are built in 2D or axisymmetric so they can be run on laptops:

- Incompressible flow: 5 mins

- Compressible flow: 45 mins


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