
Model-Based Systems Engineering Curriculum Package

Teach Model-Based Systems Engineering in your classroom

Explore an integrated model-based systems engineering approach to developing complex systems along with the underlying theory and principles governing the approach. Learn the various processes involved in the system development life cycle using with corresponding lab exercises starting from system concept through detailed design. MBSE continues to grow in popularity amongst engineers and businesses as a method to test and validate system characteristics rapidly. This 15 week course combines MBSE theory and practice in an integrated way through lecture materials, digital training tools, and case studies implementation/labs. Upon completion of this full 15 week course with labs and use cases, students will be able to:

  • Understand the role front-end system architecture modeling plays in the systems engineering big-picture enabled by an integrated PLM backbone
  • Get a better grasp of the various tools and technologies involved in the MBSE workflow by implementing a practical case study through the course (with additional exercises on manufacturing plant and process simulation)


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