The importance of the customer experience in the consumer products industry has never been greater. With the new influx of Internet of Things (IoT) data and high-volume user feedback, the value of using field and customer data to drive new products, features, and future research and development has increased. Despite increasing value and volume, field and customer data is frequently unavailable, of poor quality, and context-free.
Siemens Mindsphere's Product Intelligence, a cloud-based application, aggregates, contextualizes, and analyzes field and customer data to automate insights that improve product performance and lead to a better customer experience. Download the Market Intelligence Snapshot to learn more about how your company can gain a competitive advantage by leveraging product intelligence.
Manufacturers are transforming their products by incorporating sensors, technology, and cloud-based storage capabilities, making the days of relying on fixed service cycles to analyze products long-gone. Intelligent product design allows interconnected products to be constantly improved using an agile development model with real-time customer usage data, allowing for a customer-centric approach with high customer satisfaction.
Companies can collect real-time data on the performance of their products by incorporating sensors and converting them into "Smart Devices." Data from connected IoT devices can be collected and stored in the cloud directly. The cloud enables the analysis of real-time data to identify operational issues ahead of time and can be used to prevent problems from occurring, increasing service efficiency.
Consumer product manufacturers can use product intelligence and product performance analysis to better understand how their customers use their products. Their necessities and usage habits can be tracked, and feedback can be incorporated into new product development cycles.
By analyzing performance data stored in the Cloud, businesses can send service reminders to customers. User data can be safely stored and analyzed in order to recommend future actions to increase customer engagement.