analyst report

Assess your PLM cost of ownership with Forrester Consulting TEI

A team discussing product lifecycle management strategy

Explore the costs of PLM on the cloud by reading this Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Siemens: The Total Economic Impact™ of Siemens Teamcenter X: Cost Savings And Business Benefits Enabled By Teamcenter X. Within the study is a calculator to estimate the value of cloud SaaS PLM to your team.

Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) framework and methodology

Based on Teamcenter X customer interviews, Forrester constructed a Total Economic Impact™ framework for those organizations considering an investment in Teamcenter X.

The objective of the framework is to identify the cost, benefit, flexibility, and risk factors that affect the investment decision. Forrester took a multistep approach to evaluate the impact that Teamcenter X can have on an organization.

Calculate the total economic impact of Teamcenter X for your business

Within the TEI study is a calculator for you to configure the data for your organization, exploring the cost of inefficient processes and the IT resources required to support them. See the value of shifting the IT burden to Siemens. Optimize your product lifecycle with the latest version of Teamcenter X, so you can leverage emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and photorealistic visualization. Download a copy of the TEI analysis to build a business case to show your leadership why it’s time to make the move to Teamcenter X.

Learn more about Teamcenter X

Visit Teamcenter X to take a look at our Teamcenter X free trials. View plans and pricing, request a quote online, or get more information from your Siemens sales representative.

Explore cloud SaaS PLM, powered by AWS
Teamcenter X can be delivered on AWS to get more value from your PLM investment.



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