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White Paper

Enhancing automotive electronics IC reliability checking

Accurately detecting and correcting reliability error conditions in automotive ICs is a non-negotiable task for market success. Design redundancy, well proximity effects, matching devices, and routing—these are but a few of the unique and specific reliability design attributes that must be meticulously validated in specific areas of a design. To remain competitive, IC suppliers must find faster and easier ways to perform very precise reliability verification without diminishing the accuracy of the results. They must ensure that their processes and tools can find every possible instance of a problematic condition and eliminate or fix it, while also ensuring they meet tight delivery and tape-out schedules.

Automation of complex reliability verification tasks provides a robust and repeatable mechanism for building reliable automotive IC designs within market-driven schedules. Compared to existing reliability verification techniques, the Calibre® PERC™ tool not only provides improved detection of subtle and complex failure mechanisms, but also removes human error, providing a fast, repeatable, accurate reliability verification process. Advanced IC reliability verification tools like the Calibre PERC reliability platform ensure that all reliability issues can be identified accurately and efficiently, enabling companies to produce electronic automotive components that meet or exceed all reliability requirements and standards.
