
Optimieren Sie Ihren Produktentwicklungsprozess mit einem innovativen Ansatz für den digitalen roten Faden

Lösungen mit digitalem rotem Faden für effiziente Konsumgüterkonstruktion

Geschätzte Wiedergabezeit: 25 Minuten

Seit Jahren stehen Branchen wie die Automobilindustrie und die Luft- und Raumfahrt aufgrund der Komplexität ihrer Produkte unter erheblichem Druck, während sich Konsumgüter- und Einzelhandelsunternehmen auf die Produktion großer Mengen von Artikeln konzentrieren. Die Marktlandschaft verändert sich jedoch schnell mit dem Aufkommen neuer Markttrends und den Anforderungen der Verbraucher an Vielfalt, Innovation, Nachhaltigkeit und Verpackungsänderungen. Heutzutage kann das Verpassen von Marktchancen einen großen Einfluss auf die Kundenbindung und das Endergebnis haben. Da die Komplexität exponentiell zunimmt, müssen sich Unternehmen im Konsumgüter- und Einzelhandelssektor anpassen, indem sie vernetzte, anpassungsfähige und intelligente Ökosysteme aufbauen. Verpassen Sie nicht die Chance, in der wettbewerbsintensiven Konsumgüterindustrie die Nase vorn zu haben.

Challenges Faced by Consumer Product and Goods Companies

Launching new products in the consumer goods industry presents several challenges. Research shows that 40% of new products fail to make it to market, and a staggering 95% of new products ultimately fail. The lack of preparation, failure to solve valid customer problems, and low consumer engagement are major problems faced by companies. Additionally, globalization and personalization have become significant challenges, as consumers demand complex, connected, and personalized products.

The Shift Towards Personalization, Sustainability, and Innovation

Consumers today are in the driver's seat, fueled by the digitalization of information and unlimited access to data. They expect personalized products and experiences that align with their daily lives. Sustainability has become a critical aspect not only in the final product but also in how companies operate their factories, supply chains, and logistics. The push for sustainable packaging and products has intensified, with consumers seeking companies that have a positive impact on the environment. Innovation remains crucial, as consumer goods companies invest in research and development to meet customer expectations and deliver high-quality, responsibly designed products.

How Digital Thread Solutions Can Optimize Your Consumer Product Development Process

To meet the demand for personalized experiences, CPG companies can implement a digital thread, a holistic approach that facilitates the design, validation, and simulation of products. This Smart Product and Process Design digital thread, based on three pillars, offers a comprehensive solution for designing and manufacturing consumer goods.

What webinar attendees will learn:

  • How to optimize your consumer product design process with digital thread solutions
  • How to develop personalized products that are designed and produced quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively
  • How to ensure manufacturability at the desired speed, quality, and cost
  • How to streamline your manufacturing process and improve the way products are developed in the consumer products industry.

Watch today to learn how our digital thread solutions can help you optimize your product design tools for efficient manufacturing.


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