technický dokument

Smoke Testing a High-Level Synthesis Design

Smoke Testing a High-Level Synthesis Design

Designing hardware using C++ and C++ testbenches brings orders of magnitude speed-up to simulation. But after High-Level Synthesis (HLS), teams need a way to quickly ensure that the newly-generated RTL is functionally the same as the original untimed C++. They don’t want to create an RTL testbench in order to make this comparison. What teams need is an automated smoke test to quickly make the comparison with very little effort. This paper covers how SCVerify, part of the Catapult HLS Platform, provides teams with the ability to perform push-button smoke testing.


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Zjednodušte GVT a certifikace vibrací a uskutečněte první let dříve a bezpečněji

Webinář – Zjednodušte GVT a certifikace vibrací a uskutečněte první let dříve a bezpečněji.

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Accelerate ground vibration tests and increase efficiency in the aircraft certification process

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