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2022 electronics design for resilience study: the effects of supply chain disruptions on design and manufacturing

Doba čtení: 10 min.
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Manufacturing has experienced a host of business disruptions over the last two years. These disruptions have affected nearly every facet of electronics design and manufacturing. Working remotely drastically changed collaboration. Social distancing changed production environments. The general uncertainty of the situation affected schedules and budgets.

Even now, companies are still trying to adjust to the supply chain disruptions, looking to find a new normal in the form of greater business resilience. Supply chain issues were further compounded by COVID-related shutdowns, which affected production timelines. Add to that changes to the geopolitical landscape and the situation is likely to get worse.

To gain insight into ongoing supply chain issues, particularly regarding electronics, Lifecycle Insights conducted a survey-based research study called the 2022 Electronics Design for Resilience (EDfR) Study. The following brief will describe some of the study’s major findings.

Learn more about Electronics Systems Design Supply Chain Resilience.
